Well, a week into the new year and I wanted to wrap up the week with a nice touch of dinner and a movie. I ended up watching 'Children of men'. The story started off fairly well. No, it is not about the aliens attacking us and taking over earth nor is it about the behavior of kids in this society. The story is about life in 2027. This tells you that the story is fictional and imaginative in nature. In 2027, life on earth is without children. The last child was born 19 years ago (from 2027), after which no kids were born. In the midst of this, a woman is pregnant and she is protected and escorted to a safe place to save hers' and her child's life, which tells us that reproduction resumes since then. That is simply the gist of the story. The theme of the story started well but did not go anywhere for much long. The movie was full of riots and fighting and is like seeing an hour and a half of guns firing and chaos everywhere. This movie would certainly make it to a Saturday afternoon TV.
One thing I learned from this movie was, how life would be without kids and its aftermath. There would be no need for schools, toy stores, baby stores and such, no pediatrics, no saving up for college, no activities for kids. It would be an experience of a kind. But that is just in the movie. With the growing population around the world, I don't think any of this would happen in the next 20 years. Maybe a million years down in the future we may have a possibility. But not now and also with the ever growing technology, scientists would have discovered a solution for the problem that is still a possibility.
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