My kith and kin would laugh at me if I said that I am a regular attendee at the gym. I have been going on and off to the gym for over 10 years, whenever all my stars align perfectly. Initially I started going to the Field house in GMU and then to Bally’s and then to my final destination at Life Time Fitness in Centreville. I have been a member of this facility since they started it. I go to this facility for all the machines that they provide for workout, aerobics and Yoga classes they offer, in addition to other services like spa, sauna, child care center, racquet ball court and such; more over it is closer to my home.
I am sure everyone goes to the gym for various reasons. It may be to achieve your goal of getting fit, to shed some pounds and staying healthy, to tone your muscles, to relieve your stress, to relax your mind and body or at the very least to socialize. But I am sure no one goes to the gym to get sick, right? Gym is a place for germs to dwell, especially in the locker rooms, pool area and sauna. There are intestinal types of bacteria that are present in such areas. You might be saying that I am either making this up or that the gym maintainers clean them perfectly that there is no chance of such occurrences. But I am not the one who is saying this; it is from a report on gym sanity that was published in ‘Today’.
These germs can cause diarrhea, cramps and pneumonia. Even water fountains in gym have molds that cause lung and skin infections. Next time you have cramps after your work out; don’t neglect it saying that it is because of those 100 sit-ups you did, to get those ‘abs of steel’. I am sure the management at the gym makes an effort to clean the machines and areas thoroughly and more regularly. They also keep cleaning products in every nook and corner possible for you to use. Cleanliness is a two-way street; so use those paper towels on machines that you are going to be working on, not just after you are done but also before using it. Put on those sneakers while working out and while in locker room or sauna, use flip-flops, sit on a clean towel if you must seat yourself while at gym. Work out more regularly so the immune system kicks in to fight against these germs. It is a chicken and egg situation where you have to work out to fight against these germs and these germs are present in the place where you are working out.
The other day I was using the tread mill and as I was running I saw two men walk up to the tread mill next to mine. One of them got on while the other was waiting for a tread mill to free up. After I was done I got off to get the wipe to clean the machine before letting the other guy to use it. To my surprise, the guy started using the machine even before I could clean up for him. Sheepishly, the other friend said that he was a dirty guy and all I could say in return was ‘I hope he takes a shower after his work-out’. If you are impatient to start using a machine, at the very least make an attempt to clean it before using it. Now that I let out some of the risks of using the machines at your gym, take your time to clean before and after using it. Your goal is to shed those extra pounds by working out and not by getting sick.
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