As you all know it is Super Bowl (Bears vs Colts in Miami, FL.) this Sunday; friends and families will be organizing for a get-together to watch the game and to see who is declared the champion of the league for this year. I am not a football fan nor do I watch the game regularly but this time I will give it an honest effort to watch and follow the game to its end, despite the fact no one in our house watches the game. I am soccer and a cricket fan and I have hosted parties and watched world cup soccer last year and world cup cricket, years back. So I know how the atmosphere in a game room is and how the set up for the game-watching begins.
Let us steal a look at the preparation for the big game. Shall we? It begins by calling your friends and families who share the same interest to the game day. Have lots of popcorn, chips and beer ready for the game. Also making sure you have a good cable connection to watch the game. What is the use of all this preparation, if you are not able to watch the game when the deciding goal (touch down in this case – this proves I am a soccer fan ;-) ) is about to happen. I have gone through this situation while watching the semi-final soccer game last year and it was raining heavily at that time. Because of the down pour, our satellite dish signal was lost and for me, it was like someone was pushing me into the deep waters. Until the signal came back, I was fidgeting to the point where I decided to just go to the neighbors to watch the rest of the game. Well, that is history.
In addition to the munchies and a stable cable connection, a fan would also make sure that their TV quality is good to the point where they are able to see every bead of sweat glistening from every player’s pores. And how does one achieve this? Go HDTV! This is the time of the year when football fans make their purchase of HDTV for their size and quality and really, sales of HDTV have gone up for the big game. I can vouch for it as I enjoyed my soccer games in my 52” HDTV. After all this is done, fans watch the game and in the midst of it, one can order pizza or wings as well. Lot of the pizza chains will run specials around this time, especially during the game night. One touch down gets you a free topping or if a particular team is winning till the half-time, 10th customer will get a free pizza, any style (I had to throw in that bit).
While watching the game, the atmosphere in the room builds up. If your team is winning, there is more beer for you on the way; if your team is losing, popcorn is thrown all over the room. During the game is when the delightful or sulking attitude of the watcher can be observed, depending on whether your favorite is winning or losing. Bottom-line to all this is, get together with your friends and families on the game night, have a beer, eat right and healthy (don’t eat junk food) and enjoy the game even if your favorite team in not playing or winning. Think of it as a fun time together and enjoy.
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