I have seen kids grow up eating PBJ sandwich or chicken nuggets as their staple lunch item along with some fruits to give them the nutrition. Even adults have these for lunch sometimes. I have packed PBJ sandwiches for my son and myself, for lunch and am still doing so. But with what is going on lately in the arena of food department, one has to think twice as whether to have these items anymore.
For those of you who may not know what is happening, these past few weeks, there has been Salmonella related illness in peanut butter. This has been found in Peter Pan and Great Value variety of peanut butter. Nobody knows what the cause for this outbreak is. People and children were also affected by this similar sickness by consuming Oscar-Meyer chicken, cantaloupes and organic baby foods and such. A couple of months back, there was an outbreak of E-Coli illness as a result of spinach consumption which came from the farms in California, with no real reason for the outbreak. Though it is not fair to blame the food industry for such causes, consumers now think twice before consuming any produce for that matter.
Lately there have been so many incidents such as these that it is not safe to eat anything or so it seems. Practically, there is a problem in eating anything, be it vegetables or meat. Producers should be careful in packing such food items. Whatever the cause is, I hope it is corrected so people can eat without having to worry about what the ramification might be. In this modern day and age, technology has advanced so much but not so much that we can skip our meals, change our eating habits and just pop-in a pill when we are hungry like the astronauts. Who knows, those days may be right around the corner.
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