I personally feel that the kids these days are more mature than what we used to be in our era (gee.. that makes me feel really old). For one, they are exposed to latest technologies and they are involved in a lot of activities that teach them more than what they need to know for their age. Most of the programs they watch on T.V. have violence inter-twined in one way or the other. Violence and action has become the integral part of any program that a kid watches, for good or bad. Seeing all this, hostility and wiliness is hidden deep down in them. Before you start to pounce on me, what I said is not true in all but some. A couple of recent news has forced me into saying this.
Kids are using the latest technology and programs in computer and they get to learn a lot of working knowledge in using the internet. This is good thing but what if a kid uses this knowledge in a bad way? A couple of high school students in Trenton, Ohio, posted a fake announcement in school districts website that said that school was closed for the day due to winter weather. There was no snow in the forecast and when the school personnel came to know of this, the situation was investigated. If the students can use the knowledge that was gained during their schooling to play pranks of such nature, won’t the people who work in IT security for living be able to trace who played this prank? As a result the students were expelled. This is no reason for them to be expelled; instead they could be given hours to work in schools IT lab doing service and training their minds to focus on using their skills in the right way. What good it does to the students if they are expelled and cannot use or improve their knowledge in the future?
Another news story said that two teenage brothers cooked a three-month puppy in oven to death and got ten year imprisonment. What kind of cruel action is that? How would growing kids get such evil in them? Maybe one of the causes for this can be attributed to what they watched growing up and subconsciously have retained parts of it in them. That is why I said what I did earlier. Absorbing bad attitudes is done much quicker that good ones. To instill good habits and mind-set in kids take a lot of effort than bad ones. We need to show love and affection to inculcate good in kids. We have to train their minds to work towards a good cause rather than wasting it on some useless or bad behavior.
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