Have you ever carried a real gun around, forget about carrying it around in the security-prone areas. I presume the majority of you will say ‘No’. How about carrying a gun and forgetting that you have a gun on you? That is insane. The fact that you are carrying something like that in itself will get your heart rate going. When you are around the security check points your mind is already thinking about what you have on you that might draw attention towards you and what you can do to get yourself through the detector amicably. In such a situation, imagine one forgets that he is carrying a fully loaded gun with additional magazines as well.
For those of you who don’t know what this is all about. An aide to our Senator James Webb was arrested this Monday for carrying a fully loaded gun with two fully loaded magazines into the senate building. The gun belonged to Mr. Webb and he had handed over the gun to Phillip Thompson who was his friend, former Marine and employee of the senator, on his way to the airport. I guess Mr. Webb knew that he was not going to pass the security at the airport with a fully loaded gun on him. So he was thoughtful enough to hand it over to his friend on the way, instead of having to toss it in the receptacle at the security check point.
I don’t know what the understanding was between Mr. Webb and Mr. Thompson regarding this gun situation but Mr. Thompson ended up with the gun on him at the security check point in the senate office. One hands off the gun to the other saying that “I am not allowed with a gun at the security, you take it back” and the other walks right through the security with that gun. Is this the height of idiocy? And the fact that the other was a former Marine and that he walks through the security and says “I forgot that I am carrying the gun” raises the bar on absurdity.
In the present state of affair that this world is going through, where a six-year old Tawann Caskey was suspended from school for bringing the so-called toy ‘weapon’ a few months ago, I wonder where we are heading to. You suspend a boy for carrying a plastic toy gun to school and you consider a former marine, carrying a fully loaded gun without a license through the security in the senate building, an oversight. What is happening to this world or rather I should say, what is happening to U.S.? I will wait and see who gets suspended for this incident at a minimum. If no one gets suspended, I will at the least confirm that U.S. is taking a turn for the surreal.
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