Before you start wondering what that image means to you, I will be out with it. It is just an image of a ceiling that is there in any house. Many ceilings will have white or half white color with moulding to decorate them but for most it is just a plain white ceiling for any room. I am not getting into the architectural details of the hows and the whys. So let me move on with todays blog.
Have any of you caught yourself gazing at the ceiling while you are in deep thoughts, sad or alone, trying to kill time? Whatever the reason maybe, people often gaze at the ceiling to find a solution. Not able to sleep through the night, stare at the ceiling and eventually you might fall asleep. Going through a rough time or pondering hard to come up with a solution, keep staring at the ceiling and you might find a solution.
All there is, is a plain flat roof that is mostly colored white (yes, sometimes it has colors or design to give an elegant look, but we are not discussing that here) and we depend on it so much in our lives. It is like our go-to haven when we are in thoughts. Need to make a decision at work, find a solution to your problems, start staring at the ceiling and the solution will fall right out of it. Maybe, the reason we stare at the ceiling at the time of need is to find a focus point with little disturbance and ceiling often serves the purpose right. If you all have a different opinion about this, please let me know as well as I am not psycologist to understand any better.
Lately, I have caught myself staring at my ceiling and that is why I thought of letting my pen, rather my keys to take this form on a blog. My ceiling does not even have any colors or at the least, no even a ceiling fan. So I am not sure what I am expecting to fall out of the ceiling. With so much going on at work and at school, it has been busy and stressful lately and I am looking forward to having a good summer and less staring at the ceiling this year.