Have you ever been in a situation where you have held something close to your heart and have lost it? It can be anything from personal jewelry to items you use on a daily basis. I have been through this, many a times. My best friend gave me a book marker, years ago and I valued that a lot. Whenever I would read a book, I would always make use of it. One time I had left the book with the marker in the van I drive and the marker slipped into the deep recess between the cup holder and passenger seat. Even today, pieces of it are still there barring the fact that I can’t get to it.
I also have been the victim of losing my wallet many a times and sometimes finding it too. Despite the fact that it has my driver’s license, my credit cards and money, it is valuable to me. Why? It has my sons’ picture and other papers that hold a lot more value than money itself. Here is my saga of one such “lost and found” that explains part of the title I used in today’s’ blog. Last week when I was at home, I had used the credit card from my wallet to charge it for a product that I bought over the phone. After that was done, I was about doing my other chores and went to the gym. When I went to the gym, I could not find my wallet to show my gym ID card. I got in OK though by using my home phone number (don’t use my home number at the gym, because my picture will come up anyways!) This incident raised a red flag for me and I knew I had to find my wallet and so the search began.
Desperate as I was, I was ransacking the whole place at home trying to find my wallet. I was running scenarios in my head trying to figure out what I should do in case I did not find my wallet. I was recollecting what I did after I used my credit card because that was the last time I saw my brown leather wallet. When I was at the verge of crying (I do cry!), my husband called out from the foyer of our house. “Honey, look!” I came running and wondering what happened now. Reason being - I love plants and have plants everywhere in my house and am very passionate about it. When a plant wilts or Yash breaks a branch accidentally, I freak out. So that was the reason for me to wonder what had happened. When I got to the foyer, I saw my wallet sitting on the handrails of the staircase, camouflaging itself with the color of the wood. So that is the story of “Lost and Found”.
So what does the other part of the title mean? Well, I was happy that I found my wallet. This week on Wednesday, I took my son to watch a movie in the theater. I paid for my tickets, watched the movie and after the movie was done, went to grocery shopping and Walla! There it happened again. When I was about to pay for the groceries at the checkout, I realized that I was the victim again. I left my groceries (of course, I didn’t have money to pay for it) and scurried back to the theater to look for my ‘lost’ wallet. (This is the second part of my title) The theater was packed with viewers for the next show and I searched even though it was amongst people sitting there but in vain.
It is very difficult to find what you loose in this world and if you are lucky enough you might find it sometimes. Hold on to what you value a little tighter; hold it closer to your heart, for you know not the pain when you actually lose it. Now for the magical ending; I did go back to the theater again that evening after the show was over and I searched (or rather ransacked the theater) and found my wallet. My happiness knew no bounds. I will be a bit more careful from now on and hold on to my valuables a bit tighter.
P.S. Do you think it was me who lost the wallet? Or maybe I did ;-)
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