Terror plans? No papa! (waterboarded) Tell me the truth. Yes papa, I will tell the plans!
Recent news showed that Nancy Pelosi knew about the waterboarding that was done on al-Qaeda prisoners by CIA to get the truth out. Washington Post had mentioned that they researched on the news and confirmed that she knew about the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation techniques - EIT”, harsh interrogation tactics against al-Qaeda prisoners. Whether she knew about it or not, whether she didn’t agree that she knew about it when she was asked is debatable. Nobody in power would just answer a question on internal security or techniques, just because they were asked. CIA is using EIT on al-Qaeda prisoners, for Pete sake, a group responsible for 9/11.
Isn’t that what CIA characters – Jack Ryan of Tom Clancy, John Carr of David Baldacci or Jason Bourne of Robert Ludlum or the most famous James Bond 007 of Ian Fleming (and the list goes on) do or undergo when a truth has to be brought to light? The spy or the intelligence finds a person who might know the truth (and in most cases they do, otherwise the Spy’s are not doing their job right), CIA captures them or gets their custody as POW, do their bit of drill on them to get the truth out that would serve their country. Even Sayid in ‘Lost’ does the same. The so-called torture is done to get the truth or plans they might have to attack on their country and by all means the CIA wants to get the truth out to take preventive actions.
If a person from al-Qaeda was caught before 9/11 or after the fact, do you think our people will just let it go. Wouldn’t they, not want treatments like waterboarding done to get the truth out? Tell it to the people who have lost families and friends of 9/11 and see what their reaction is. President Obama might not want to perform EIT on any prisoners to get the truth and might have other alternatives to get the truth out, but it is the person who is in charge who has to deal with the prisoners. If he is not able to get the information out from the prisoners to take preventive actions, then the public would say that the Government is not doing anything in terms of protecting their nation.
If you know that a prisoner has information on attacks or is a national security threat, then by all means do what you have to do, to get the information out. I come from the land of Gandhi, where he said that if someone slaps you on one cheek of the face, then show the other cheek but he didn’t say what to do if that someone slaps the other cheek as well. Smart man! You need to do what you need to, to protect yourself.
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