The few music albums that I listened to while growing up included Michael Jackson, Abba and Osibisa. Whenever we got hold of the cassettes of Michaels ‘Beat it’ or ‘Thriller’, my cousins and I would listen to it endlessly in our little den upstairs and would compose dance moves. My cousin was good at break dancing and I would enjoy making him dance and watching, the big sister that I was. We would create fusion dance on his songs and would have a laugh at the end, telling ourselves that we are not even close to the way he would dance. I am sure the world would remember the legend in the days to come as well.
While the cause of his death is still unknown and an autopsy is scheduled on Friday to find out the cause of his death, many suspect that it might be possible abuse of prescription medicine. Anna Nicole Smith’s case was similar to this and that had happened a couple of years back. With that incident and the way MJ was using his pain killers, Brian Oxman, his former attorney and family friend had mentioned that he feared to see the same end for Michael and it had come true now. We don’t know if this is a suicide or not, another possibility that I am speculating, given the fact that Michael was in debt for about $400 million and he was on the cusp of making a comeback with his 50 concerts in London. Many who worked with him had mentioned that his physical endurance will not support the tiring performances. So did he realize that his comeback would not be a success in a couple of weeks and ended up doing what had happened to him?
While many theories are being worked at and analyzed to figure out the demise of the legend, fans around the world are gathering to pay their homage at the hospital, his home, the studios that he had performed at and many locations that hold value for the pop king. Life is very precious and also very dicey. Enjoy it while you can and of course, without hurting or playing with emotions of others and taking others for granted. Listen to a few albums of the pop king to pay your respects to the legend. That will make his soul happy than the usual way of paying respects by maintaining silence for a minute or so. He was all about music and letting ones self free to the tunes of the pop.
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