Feb 9, 2010

Want some Crib Notes with your Tea?

Was it just me who got caught during school exams with my cribnotes? Guess not. We have a bigger winner here. Ms. Palin. I am sure everyone who gives a public speech that is televised or in a meeting would use teleprompters or notes that one refers to during the speech. No one would be able to memorize the speech that lasts for an hour or more. So there is nothing wrong in using notes to refer to or teleprompters to get your speech across and to be effective. But Palin had a problem with that. She was accusing Mr. Obama using a teleprompter during his speeches. She accused him as 'a charismatic guy with a Teleprompter' in her speech in the tea party convention held last week.

But take a look at the picture that is posted along with this blog. Oh ya, its Palin's hand alright! I see words "Energy", "Tax," and "Lift Americans Spirits" scribbled in ink on the palm of her hand. Gotcha! Of course, she knew the speech for the tea party convention like the back of her hand. It is during the Q&A session that she needed the answer from the front of her hand. When she was asked the question as to what should be the top three things that a Republican majority in Congree would focus on and she forgets the answer and refers to her cribnotes on her palm during the meeting. How does one forget the main belief of what she is representing? To top it off, she accuses Obama for using a teleprompter in his speeches. He uses it for speeches and she uses it even for answering a core question? There is a saying that people living in glass houses should not throw stones at others. Does this not apply to her - You betcha!

I was a little relieved when McCain-Palin team did not win the elections in 2008. But my pulse is going a little higher when I heard that she would stand in elections in 2012 and that that is the right thing to do for the nation and the Palin family. Right for the nation - No. Right for the Palins - Maybe. She can start filling up her wardrobe again. The race in 2012 is not for the fashion industry nor for who can fill in their wardrobe. So Palin, you stay out of it. You can fill up the spot for soap in Fox, right a few books, give a few speeches with your talent of seeing your notes from the palm of your hand or attend a few tea party but running a nation is not your cup of tea. (pardon my pun)

1 comment:

Shalini said...

Palin-Brown will make an embarassing combo. If she runs in 2012 Republicans will be done for some time. I think this Tea Party is a National embarassment. Sarah Palin's address at the Tea Party convention reinforces the reason why this woman is unlikely to ever become president of the United States: she is too angry and stupid at the same time.