Mar 10, 2010

Making it Simple

I was browsing the news and my eye caught on the article about immigration efforts in issuing a National ID card in 2010 to all working Americans or for anyone who wants to work in the U.S. It is a bipartisan effort, if passed, will require everyone to carry a biometric card with fingerprints and other personal information on it. I think that this idea is a good one to implement. With all the latest technologies we have, we should have implemented this years ago. Instead of complaining about illegal immigrants, how they take our jobs, and having to put more forces on our border security to avoid the illegal immigrants, we can start issuing these biometric cards to all workers. Whenever we seek employment, we do need to provide proof of eligibility to work in the US by showing our drivers license and/or social security card along with other required documents. If this biometric card can replace all the cards and papers that we carry, then why not implement it?

Many would argue that carrying such a card is like being treated as a criminal because we have to register with the Government. But even if it is not implemented, are we still not in a long leash with our Government? If you want to drive, you need to have a drivers license; want to work, you need workers permit; you need SSN card for other issues; if you work and not file your taxes, Uncle Sam comes after you anyways. So, to avoid all the identifying cards and to replace it with one biometric card is not all that bad. Yes, one might have to register if he or she is not registered for anything like drivers’ license or SSN card while companies and businesses have to install scanners to process the bio card to make it to work. Everything has a learning curve and once we are down the curve, we will be able to function smoothly.

With one simple card, our wallet size might go down. This card will change the face of how to identify ourselves while boarding planes, getting jobs and bank account, getting driving license or anything to do with identifying ourselves. We are doing that anyways with different cards that we carry around and if we are able to replace it all with one single intelligent card, then why not? I hope congress is successful in passing this as a law so that everyone can get one to make our lives simple. This will get our foot inside the doors in avoiding identity thefts, frauds, illegal immigrants, people who overstay their visas and much more. Most of all, this biometric card cannot be forged or altered and would be a modern common sense solution to all the problems we face with identifying ourselves.


Anonymous said...

Amiable dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

mohnan2 said...

Why developed country issue social security and and all kind of immigration formalities? When they depend on other countryman force? We in India use our fingerprints only to forecast our future (Palmistry).
Adopting such method proves that there are plenty of criminals in that country and never trust them.
Country like India, which is a largest Democratic country with Maximum population, doesn’t even issue social security no.
USA has no faith in their own citizens and immigrants who develop their country, and they give room to everyone to committee crime, that’s why the problem, People live their without discipline and Honesty.
Now let uncle sam at least think in his lifetime....
Nithish Kumar

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

Jawahar Mirazkar said...

Biometric identification is'nt as complicated as one may think. One does'nt need to carry any card with biometric details engraved on it. Biometric identification actually replaces all cards that one has to carry to prove once identity. Place a finger or an eye before a scanner and one gets identified and its unique.

Unique Identification is necessary to manage people, its nice if the process is simple and fool proof. Identification need not mean treating one as a criminal, it helps in differentiating a innocent from a criminal.