Jul 9, 2009

Good Salesperson

I can forthrightly say that there are not a lot of people who visit this site or read what I have to say. Many bloggers would boast about how many visitors they have and how they keep checking their blogs in their time of absence or how visitors from different nations, place or creed bombard their mails with their comments or so on and so forth. But I can say that I have a few visitors by chance who stumble on to this site in their process of looking for something else. If you ask any of my friends or relatives or colleagues at work about my blogs, they would draw a blank. The reason being, I have not told any of them that that I maintain a blog site and portray my views on different happenings around the world or life in general.

I have not felt the need to tell anyone that I jot down my thoughts here for I write to satisfy myself, to improve my writing skills and to improve my comprehending power and more so, force myself to know the news either online or watch and hear on television and radio or take the time to actually hold the newspaper and sit in a corner undisturbed amidst my busy schedule. I do empathize with the fact that not everyone has time on their hands to spend it on reading blogs of others who regurgitate the news with their own touch or enhanced with their thoughts in a busy schedule. With the availability of blog space, many have taken the liberty to wad off their thoughts in the name of better communication. They would end up writing paragraphs after paragraph rehearsing the same point over and over again; but it is their space and they have the freedom to do so.

I have see many who maintain their blog site would mention about it in their mails (as a footnote whether in office or personal mails) or gloat about it to their kiths and kin, for they want to share their thoughts or boast about their immense writing skills or vocabulary power. Kudos to them! But the worst of it is not yet there. I have seen some who have their parents market their site to others. In any gatherings or phone conversation or meetings, their parents would pass on the information to others about their sons or daughters blog site and how well they express their thoughts intertwined with humor. I am not talking about kids or teens here; grown up adults who have the best salesperson working on their side so many will visit their blog site, only to gloat about it in their blogs. But in person, they would say that they don’t care who visits their site or not. In my case, even my parents don’t know about my site or my writings. Only if I had a good marketer on my side, many would be visiting here to see what I write and maybe I can say ‘Thanks to my visitors who flood my mailbox with your comments!’

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