Jul 3, 2009

She did it, yet again

No one can talk about Alaska without talking about its Governor Sarah Palin. Can we? Time and again, she steps on the mine in the minefield of politics. It is either her or her kids in the limelight, being the talk of the nation. Starting in 2008, primetime to Vice-presidential debates, she was scorned upon for the knowledge she possessed on American history. I was hoping she would not win the election because if McCain had won and if god-forbid, something happened to McCain and Palin had to take over, America’s little hope of surviving the recession would cease with her saying ‘You betcha’

Case in point was her appearance with McCain in a meeting with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko. When simple questions like ‘What have you learned from your meeting’ was directed at her, she simply smiled and leaned over to McCain for assistance and the aids intervened to get the reporters outside the room. Also, when she was answering questions that elementary school kids asked, she proved her lack of knowledge in the American history. This sure resulted in reams and reams of bad press and to even answer the most elementary questions in an uncontrolled environment was so dangerous that the McCain group was spending money to prevent such situations.

These events were compounded by her altercation when she was found spending $150,000 on designer wardrobe just for campaign. One would question the need of her wanting such expensive dresses when she was trying to portray a down-to-earth image in the campaign. She became a lame-duck and mocking figure (or figurine) in some talk shows and Democratic criticisms. She was even imitated by talented comedian Tina Fey of her folksy was of saying “You betcha”. Recently, her daughter Bristol’s name was brought in David Letterman’s show. But she brought it upon herself. Palin had her daughter’s presence in the campaign and wanted media’s attention but then when she was found pregnant, she wanted to be left alone and she accused media for focusing the lights on her. There is a saying in Hindi, that goes like ‘People in glass houses, should not be throwing stones at others’.

When things were quiet on her for a month or so, she threw the stone yet again. This past Friday, she announced that she was resigning as Governor by the end of this month for a ‘higher calling’. Does this mean that she would not be considered for Presidential post in 2012? Some politicians say that by her resigning from post, she would fade away from politics for ever, while others say that is was the best thing for her and the State. Many say that it was because of pending lawsuits and investigation that she has on her while Palin says that she does not want to be on the limelight anymore. She is done playing the lame duck. Whatever the reasons are, we have to wait and see if we can take the name of Alaska without bringing her name in the same sentence.

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