Jan 6, 2010

Aftermath ripples

I am sure everyone on the east coast had a good taste of winter starting the week of this past Christmas. Those of you who have no clue as to what I am talking about – we on the east coast had a snow storm or rather a blizzard on the Dec 18th (unfortunate date) which led to many accidents for drivers. The snow storm resulted in two feet of snow on an average along the coast. At least as far as I know, VDOT did an excellent job of prepping the roads with salt and the snowplows on the prowl to clean the roads of snow to make driving easier on such conditions. The problem with snow plows plowing the snow off the streets is that if cars are parked along the streets, it becomes difficult for the plow to do its job. The snow was accumulated around the cars blocking it from being able to pull out of the lot. The plows cannot come too close to the cars to remove the snow because there is always the possibility of coming too close to the cars, scraping it which leads to the owners of the cars coming after the plow company. To avoid these headaches, snow plows keep their distance from the parked cars resulting in the embankment of snow along the cars and driveways.

Many have complained about how the snowplows have done a lousy job of dumping snow around their cars in their parking lots and that they had to shovel the snow to be able to pull out their cars to get out of their parking lots. To them I say - do you expect the snowplows to clean every nook and corner around the cars when they are maneuvering the big plows to clean the roads and to make sure not to hit the cars but come as close as they can come to take away the snow? I have had experiences like this when the plows go by past my house and during the process block my driveway. Then I spend a few minutes cleaning the dump off my driveway so my cars can enter. I guess it is part of the whole shebang.

The after effects of this snow storm are still witnessed in parking lots of the gym and office spaces where a number of parking spaces are filled with huge deposits of snow. As a result of this, parking has become a problem. When I go to the gym, I spend a considerable amount of time looking for a parking spot because of snow deposits and also given the fact that it is the New Year and people are sincere in keeping to their promises for the year. I just have to wait for a few weeks to get my parking spot, for the snow to melt away and also for people to cave in to break their resolutions of going to the gym because of laziness and also because promises are only meant to be broken.

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