Jan 26, 2010

Farewell Favre

I am not an ardent football follower (nor a player). I don’t swank about knowing things that I really don’t know as the back of my hands. I have been watching football games regularly for about five years but I don’t know the player details all that well nor do I remember their history of achievements. If I am interested in a player I Google them and learn more about them to the best I can. So, in all honesty, I did not know about Favre until this season. To be candid, I was not even paying any close attention to him, until Vikings reached the playoffs.

The game this past Sunday against the Saints was a close one to have watched. Each team were playing at their best and were scoring TDs one after the other. The score at any given time was a tie between the two teams. The Saints defense was at its best and Favre was sacked a few times in this game but still the fire was there in Favre to get the Vikings to the Super Bowl. Until the third quarter, it was just like any other game but kept me at least, on the edge of my seat.. uhh… my sofa. Bobby McCray (#93) of Saints fell on him while he was sacked in the third quarter. That scene was awful just to watch leave alone the fact to go through it physically. That defensive end player was big and huge (excuse my pun) and for him to land on the back/leg of Favre was very painful.

Then came the misfortuned throw of his game. His intentions for the throw was to get closer than the 38 yards, so as to give Ryan Longwell, Vikings Kicker, a good shot at the field goal to seal the victory for the Vikings, but fate took a different turn. When that play was played, I was wondering why Favre was not running the ball to gain yardage but instead threw it. I was hoping that Vikings would catch the throw at the other end but was intercepted by the Saints. Some games are meant not to be won; no matter how hard you play, just like certain relationships are not meant to happen, no matter how hard you try to make it work. Only if he had run the ball and had Ryan make an attempt to kick it for a field goal. 35 yards attempt for a field goal had been made before and were successful (unless it was Suisham) but what’s done is done.

For a forty year old, he had done a great job as QB. Whether he will return for another game, another season with the Vikings is to be seen. He was in his first of two-year contract with the Vikings after playing for Packers in 2008 and New York Jets in 2009. When bombarded with questions as to whether he was going to retire or come back to play, he said he was going to mull it over with his family and decide on whether to come back. What is there to mull over? It is not like Vikings coach, Brad Childress, is waiting to have him back and if he does do that, Favre should just pounce on the opportunity that is knocking again (if at all) and give it a good shot to get to the Super Bowl. Who even bothers to draft players in NFL over 40 years of age? If Favre does not show up again in any of the games in NFL, playing his play, then it is ‘Farewell Favre!’

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